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St. Mary's Primary School, Altinure

News - Homepage

11th Jun 2024
What a brilliant day our P5 pupils had on their school trip to Brunswick Moviebowl....
11th Jun 2024
Year 6 had an absolutely fabulous day in St Patrick’s and St Brigid’s...
11th Jun 2024
Our School Council has organised a Summer Draw for pupils. Our school councillors...
10th Jun 2024
Congratulations to our Year 6 pupil who received his first Epic certificate this...
9th Jun 2024
Our P7 pupils presented the story of their Junior Entrepreneur Project to pupils,...
7th Jun 2024
Congratulations to both these pupils this week who have made great strides in Accelerated...
31st May 2024
Congratulations to these wonderful boys who achieved new milestones in AR. Fabulous...
31st May 2024
Boys and girls from the play school came up to our school today for a games day....
31st May 2024
A big congratulations to all of our pupils who have earned their first certificate...
30th May 2024
Primary 5 had fabulous fun today, investigating the properties of solids, liquids...